Seven Beauty Tips For Men Who Wear Foundation
Putting your best face forward
With the growing pressures on men to put their best face forward every single day, the male grooming market has witnessed the introduction of hundreds of new products over the past eighteen months or. It appears as though men are gradually fine tuning their skin standards, in order to look their very best for their latest Instagram post, business meeting or even date night, for example. This growing trend, coupled with a rise in the number of iconic male celebrities openly admitting to wearing makeup, has surged the popularity of cosmetic products such as foundation in the UK’s image obsessed society.
Victoria Beckham revealed last month (sept. 2016) that husband David, does in fact steal her beauty products and with revelations like this set to further break down society’s barriers towards men taking handouts from the beauty gods, it’s not going to be long before products such as foundation for men is a staple part of every grooming obsessed man’s bathroom routine. However, with most guys relatively inexperienced in the world of male makeup and specifically, how to master the art of foundation, there are certainly some golden rules that should be followed, to be able to blend it like Beckham himself.
One of the few bones of contention in the world of men’s foundation makeup is getting to grips with the the right colour for the skin. If you go too light, or too dark with your colour selection, it will inevitably end up sticking out like a sore thumb. This is ofcourse something not very high on the agenda of male makeup lovers. To get around this, MMUK MAN offers a colour matching service, where you can e-mail in a recent photograph of yourself, or one of the back of your hand and one of our trained consultants will get back to you with the correct colour, usually within a couple of hours. The higher the quality of your cosmetics, the better blending ability they have and when it comes to picking the right shade, you can usually get away with going one shade lighter, or darker, if you want a deeper hint of colour on your complexion.

Never underestimate the importance of a good skin care routine, including the use of a high quality exfoliator, cleanser, toner and daily moisturiser. Using such products will create the very best blank canvas in which you can build your cosmetic routine on and ultimately enhance the natural performance of your chosen foundation. Helping you pull it off naturally is a men’s skin primer, sometimes called a makeup base. Apply a little to the skin before your foundation and their silky texture will quickly sink in and create the perfect barrier between your skin and makeup. This product will also allow your foundation to stay in place all day long, without sliding over your face and risking your cover being blown. A men’s skin primer cushions the skin and locks in natural moisture and is an absolute necessity for men wanting a natural look.
When applying your foundation, it’s important to not slather it all over your face like you would a moisturiser. Build you application gradually and don’t be afraid to keep going back to the pot for a little more product. Small sweeping applications go on much smoother and look a lot more natural than slapping a load onto one area and working it all over your face from there. A good quality foundation will allow for excellent buildable coverage, so make sure you take advantage of it gentlemen!
Mastering the perfect foundation finish is made so much easier when using the right tools. A good worker never blames his tools and this is no different in the bathroom. Invest in a good quality men’s foundation brush and application sponges and their ability to be easily washed and cleaned will mean each and every application is as fresh and distinct as the first. Vegan brushes offer the most versatility and longevity and over the course of time will provide you with the best value. The right application tools will allow you to apply product evenly and professionally, resulting in a much more subtly enhanced look.
Apply your foundation in natural daylight where and when you can, especially if you are still in the process of getting to grips with its finish. A natural light setting will ensure you know how your complexion will look when you head outside and will feel completely comfortable with its subtlety. If you’re heading on a night out with the guys, or going out with your other half, apply in artificial light, as this will most likely resemble the lighting in the venue you are visiting.
Stubborn stubble can be a real problem when applying foundation, if you do not know how to negotiate it. Avoid applying foundation into stubble where you can, as in reality, your dense facial hair will cover the skin underneath anyway. For areas of thin facial hair, like on the edge of your beard, work foundation onto your skin with a sponge, in a sweeping motion opposite to the growth direction of your facial hair, but you might not need to apply as much.
Finish your foundation look with the finesse of an Invisible Blotting Powder, sometimes called anti-shine powder. Dusting a little invisible powder over your t-zone, will remove any shine throughout your day, avoid making your foundation looking cakey and orange and ensure your product remains in place for hours and hours. You do not need to coat your face in powder. Instead, use a dabbing technique to blot out any areas of shine and resize any open pores in the process.
As with all male makeup problems, techniques and tips, practice very much makes perfect gentlemen and with a few applications, taking these seven beauty tips for men on board, you’ll be ready to take the perfect selfies in no time.